An enemy pilot about to have an exceedingly bad day.
An enemy pilot about to have an exceedingly bad day.

Greetings, explorers. Have a seat by the fire. Don’t fall in.

Not much new development this week, I’m afraid. The world has been conspiring against my productivity by making me happy. Last weekend – and weekends are usually when I do the majority of work – I went away on a nice little holiday to Sherwood Forest. Not to worry – I quit my job weeks ago, and soon the notice period will expire and I’ll be a full-time indie dev! At that point, expect every week of this devlog to be a cornucopia of progress.

Victory text. The weird yellow handwave icon is bad placeholder art.
Victory text. The weird yellow handwave icon is bad placeholder art.

I got some good stuff done from Monday to Wednesday, including generating the enemy crew in combat (though their sprites are currently all blank, white and naked). I’ve made sure that the code here is very flexible – there will be different kinds of NPC vehicle in the final game, from kinetopedes to blimps to cathedral-tanks to the hollowed corpses of snail-gods, and I need to make sure I can populate each one with the appropriate crew without too much fiddling. In accordance with my ‘depth then breadth’ philosophy, I’m making my code flexible enough that adding these vastly different entities will actually be very little work from a programming perspective – just writing and art.


On Thursday, I went to Develop, a huge Brighton games conference where I met a lot of lovely people (if I met you at Develop and you’re reading this, it means you are a Lovely Person). This lasted all day, and Possibly Good Things happened which I can’t quite talk about yet.

Sorry for the brevity, but next week will be a big ‘un. See you then!

As usual, please check out my Twitter at @pixeltrickery.

Devlog Friday, Part 5 – In which everything is chugging along nicely
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